01 febrero 2020 | 10:42 am Por: Edwin Ramos | prensa@agraria.pe

Interview with William Daga, fruit specialist

“Tumbo”, the other passion fruit Peru is not taking advantage of

“Tumbo”, the other passion fruit Peru is not taking advantage of
In Colombia, this is the second most exported fruit, but Peru is not in the same path despite of having a special variety with great qualities.

(Agraria.pe) Known in Peru as “Tumbo” and in Colombia as “Curuba”, this fruit belongs to the kind of the passion fruit. According to William Daga, fruit especialist of Sierra y Selva Exportadora, Colombia is doing a great work with the product, considered the second most important among their more exported fruits.

But that is not the case in Peru, where a variety called “Mollar” of the fruit can be found with a weight of 200 grams per unit (the common unit reach 50 grams). Long shaped with a green-yellow distinctive color, has a great flavor. In Peru its crops are located among the provinces of Lima such as Huarochiri, Huacho, Yauyos; and also in the regions of Cajamarca and Huanuco.

William Daga says the “Tumbo” can be produced the whole year with weekly harvests. Despite of that, there are still no commercial orchards in the country, but some municipalities like San Mateo de Otao (in Huarochiri) are working in vivariums to begin a future commercial project (there were other projects in the past, processing the fruit and distribuiting it to nearby regions).

In Peru the fruit account for 200 to 250 hectares, most of them in family gardens, producing from 10 to 12 tones per hectare.

The whole production of “tumbo” is consumed in the internal peruvian market in fresh, but, as we can see, it has a great potential to grow for exportation, specially if it can be planted in territories over 2000 to 2800 meters over the sea level. It has a great capacity for adaptation in those soils and doesn´t requiere much care.

Original version in spanish: